Blogging Assignment

Blogging Assignment

Let me start this blog by saying that in the few weeks of being in the Ed. Leadership program, my view of administration, leadership, and education in general has completely changed.  Which can be somewhat overwhelming.  I’ve always viewed myself as a “leader” and have been in leadership roles as long as I can remember (like many of you reading this), but over the last month or so, my view of Educational Leadership has quite literally been turned upside down.  In a good way.

With this class, one of the things that I have learned is how to effectively use Google Forms.  Believe it or not, our school is a “Google School” and I have never actually realized how easy it would be to use the Google Forms in class.  Its an easy way to quickly collect information from students.

Something else that I have done with this class is to create a class website for my students to use.  It’s still a work in progress but you can check it out here and give me some feedback if you would like.

Holderfield’s U.S. History Class

Keep checking back on the blog and hopefully I’ll have some more useful information to pass along!
